*Foundations or 3 months prior CrossFit/Olympic Weightlifting Experience required
*Includes all classes offered and open gym and open gym access
*10 day notice for cancellations
**Student ID & Class registration required
*Foundations or 3 months prior CrossFit/Olympic Weightlifting Experience required
*10 day notice for cancellations
*Sessions can be used for open gym, CrossFit, Weightlifting, and Cardio HIIT classes
*Foundations or 3 months prior CrossFit/Olympic Weightlifting Experience required
*10 day notice for cancellations
*Sessions can be used for open gym, CrossFit, Weightlifting, and Cardio HIIT classes
*Foundations or 3 months prior CrossFit/Olympic Weightlifting Experience required
*10 day notice for cancellations
*includes SugarWOD access
*$150 10 Class punch card (Cardio HIIT only)
*10 day notice for cancellations
*10 day notice for cancellations
*Includes 3 personal training sessions and your first full month of unlimited membership
*10 day notice for cancellations